Moving through Midlife | Helping Midlife Women Move Better and Feel Better

Ep 10.2 Movement Snack-Get outside

Courtney/Naples Fl Trainer for Moms Episode 10

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Get outside, it does amazing things for your health.
It is absolutely beautiful this time of year in Southwest Florida so take advantage of it.  It also can help you live a healthier life when you take that workout outdoors.

1.  Vitamin D-the fat soluble vitamin that is essential to strong bones and healthy immune systems can safely be attained by the morning sun.

2.   Gives your eyes a rest-our eyes look at so much close up which requires the muscles in your eye to work more.  By looking at things outside and far in the distance it allows the muscles in your eyes to relax which is important for overall eye health. (Katy Bowman-Movement Matters, Alignment Matters)

3. Less anxiety and stress-green spaces have shown to decrease stress and increase mood of those who spend time outdoors and provide for mental well-being.

4. Boosts white blood cells: interacting with phytoncides (airborne chemicals emitted from plants that protect them from rotting and insects) help to boost white blood cells and reduce stress in our bodies (Katy Bowman: Movement Matters, pg 79)

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Episode 10.2 our movements snack for the week is going to involve summer fun. So it is really important for us to get outside. It does amazing things for our health. And what better time to be outside than summertime. I want you this week, and it can be any day or can be every day, I want you to get outside and find a nice green space. green spaces have been shown to decrease anxiety and stress and increase the mood of those who spend time outdoors and provide for mental well being. Another reason you might want to get outside is because it's a great source of vitamin D, the fat soluble vitamin that is essential to strong bones and healthy immune systems and can safely be attained if you get out in the morning or the evening sun. So maybe not right there in the middle of the day. But the morning in the evening, suns are great time to get outside and move around. I've mentioned before it gives your eyes a rest, our eyes look at so much close up, which requires the muscle to be in a tightened state that when you go outside and you look at something far off in the distance, it allows the muscles in your eyes to relax, which is important for overall eye health. It's just like if you were to do a bicep curl and you held that curl that would start to create twinging and twitches and problems in your bicep, because you know it's overworked. So you'd want to lengthen that bicep out at some point. Same thing goes with your eyes. When we look at things close. It really strains the eyes, so take some time to get away and let the eyes relax. And last by getting outside it helps to boost white blood cells interacting with phytoncides, which are airborne chemicals emitted from plants that protect them from rotting in insects interacting with those will help to boost the white blood cells and reduce stress in our bodies. So get outside, move around, have fun, do it as a family if at all possible go out in play in the park, go hiking do something like that. And I would encourage you even to try something which they called grounding or earthing if you haven't heard of it. And that's where you really get to where your feet are in the dirt or on the earth. Even if you were at a sandy beach, putting your feet in the sand. That's always a very calming effect that it has. And same thing with earthing getting those feet in the grass in the dirt can help with your body. There haven't been a ton of studies on grounding. But what I have found, it can really help to decrease inflammation, cardiovascular disease, muscle damage, chronic pain and mood. And one of them I found interesting, because I am in the fitness industry has to do with muscle damage. So it can help to reduce muscle damage and the pain that participants felt after a hard workout. So I thought that was really interesting. So that's what I'm going to ask for you to do today is get outside preferably with your family if at all possible. And take off your shoes and ground down into the earth. And that's it. I hope you all enjoy. I'd love to see pictures of you. All outside, you can go to our form fitmom community and join us over there showing us pictures of you and your family being outside. And that's it. Have a wonderful weekend.